White Papers

Version 1.2.0 9
5 Synopsis 308
Profile Name: RAID Profile 309
Version: 1.2.0 310
Organization: Dell 311
CIM Schema Version: 2.26 Experimental 312
Central Class: DCIM_RAIDService 313
Scoping Class: CIM_ComputerSystem 314
The RAID Profile extends the management capability of the referencing profiles by adding the capability 315
to describe the RAID configuration. DCIM_RAIDService shall be the Central Class. 316
CIM_ComputerSystem shall be the Scoping Class. Instance(s) of DCIM_RAIDService shall be the Central 317
Instance(s). The instance of CIM_ComputerSystem with which the Central Instance is associated through 318
the CIM_HostedService association shall be the Scoping Instance. 319
Table 1 identifies profiles that are related to this profile. 320
Table 1 – Related Profiles 321
Profile Name Organization Version Relationship
Profile Registration DCIM 1.0 Reference
6 Description 322
The RAID Profile describes the RAID configuration service and the groups that the service manages. The 323
profile also describes the relationship of the RAID groups to the profile version information. 324
Figure 1 represents the class schema for the RAID Profile. For simplicity, the prefix CIM_ has been 325
removed from the names of the classes. 326
The RAID service in a managed system is represented by the instance of DCIM_RAIDService class. 327
Each RAID controller can have three additional view classes populated besides the Controller view class 328
shown. Views are related to devices through the FQDD. 329
The profile information is represented with the instance of CIM_RegisteredProfile. 330