White Papers

107 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
Set desired RAID controller FQDD, physical disk FQDDs, and RAID level parameters by editing script
Script: GetDHSDisks.win
A) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
The GetRSStatus() method or the GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() method may be used depending on the version of the
LC Management registered profile.
B) GetControllerViews(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_ControllerView class to view all available RAID FQDDs. See
section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
C) GetDHSDisks(): Invoke this method to return desired data
The output will contain the available physical disks for use as a hotspare.
14.13 Assign a Physical Disk Drive as a Hot-spare
View the RAID stacking workflows in Section 4 for a comprehensive example.
14.14 Delete a Virtual Disk from the System
The following script can be used to delete an existing virtual disk from a system.
Applies to: LC1.5.0+
Prerequisites for script:
Set desired RAID virtual disk FQDD by editing script
Script: DeleteVirtualDisk.win
A) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
The GetRSStatus() method or the GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() method may be used depending on the version of the
LC Management registered profile.
B) GetControllerViews(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_ControllerView class to view all available RAID FQDDs. See
section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
C) GetVirtualDiskViews(): ENUMERATE the DCIM_VirtualDiskView class to view all available virtual disk FQDDs.
See section 2.2 for a definition of ENUMERATE .
D) DeleteVirtualDisk (): Invoke this method to delete the VD
E) CreateRAIDConfigJob(): Apply step D) [ReturnValue=4096]
F) Poll jobstatus for Completed: GET the InstanceID of from E). See section 2.3 for a definition of GET.
G) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
The GetRSStatus() method or the GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() method may be used depending on the version of the
LC Management registered profile.