White Papers

30 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
The response time of enumerations will be accelerated as only the desired data is returned, not the full data set.
The workload on the network will be decreased as less bandwidth will be consumed per enumeration as the
amount of data being returned is less. This is more applicable to networks that may have many systems that
performing enumerations at or about the same time.
3.9.2 How to Perform CQL Enumerations Using RECITE
Section 1.2 describes how to setup and run scripts using the RECITE PYTHON environment. Running CQL filters
requires running the CQL command directly from the RECITE command line. No scripts exist because of the infinite
number of use cases.
3.9.3 CQL Filter Example that Enumerates All NIC Attributes for a Particular Port or
The FQDD in the example below will be unique to a particular user’s system. The NIC FQDDs of the system can be
obtained by running the GetNICViews() command from the RECITE command line.
GetNICAttributes -cql="select * from DCIM_NICAttribute where
3.9.4 CQL Filter Example that Enumerates All iDRAC Attributes with a Particular
GroupDisplayName and AttributeName
The GroupDisplayName and the AttributeName in the example below will be unique to a particular user’s system.
GetiDRACCardAttributes -cql="select * from DCIM_iDRACCardAttribute where
GroupDisplayName='iDRAC Users' and AttributeName='UserName'"
3.9.5 CQL Filter Example that Enumerates All BIOS Attributes Where the IsReadOnly flag
is Set to TRUE
The expression below return attributes that have the IsReadOnly=TRUE flag set as the CurrentValue.
GetBIOSEnumerations -cql="select CurrentValue from DCIM_BIOSEnumeration where
3.10 Ordering of iDRAC Attributes to Set or Apply (11G vs 12G)
Users need to correctly set the order in which iDRAC, System, and LC attributes are applied. Incorrect ordering of
attributes may result in an error, if dependencies are violated. The DisplayOrder field of each attribute along with the
applicable references in profiles, provide direction as to the appropriate ordering.
An example would be to create an iDRAC user account. On 11G systems, the iDRAC would automatically re-order the
the attributes before setting/applying them to create and enable a user account. However, due to the expansion of
attributes in 12G systems as well as to avoid the anticipating the user’s intent, re-ordering of attributes was removed.