White Papers

71 Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide
Warm boot
Cold boot
No reset
Applies to: LC2.1+
Prerequisites for script:
Place applicable ISO image in applicable network share
Set script variables by editing script
Script: BootToNetworkISO.win
A) The Lifecycle Controller remote service must be in a “ready” state before running any other WSMAN commands.
The GetRSStatus() method or the GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() method may be used depending on the version of the
LC Management registered profile.
Note: GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus() will return “not ready” if drivers or an ISO is already attached.
B) DetachDrivers(): Ensures any drivers are detached.
C) DetachISOImage(): Ensures all images are detached.
D) GetDriverPackInfo(): Displays available OS drivers. This is only required for end to end OS deployment.
E) UnpackAndAttach(): Unpacks and attaches desired driver pack. The resulting concrete job is invoked immediately.
This is only required for end to end OS deployment.
F) Poll concrete job until ‘Success’.
G) BootToNetworkISO(): The resulting concrete job may be invoked immediately depending on the reset type.
H) Poll concrete job until ‘Success’.