How to Use

Using Device Group Permissions in Dell OpenManage Essentials
vi. Repeat step iii using ‘123.45.7.’ as the IP address.
vii. Click ‘Save Query’.
Figure 6. Create Austin Data Center Query
b. Create the ‘Boston Data Center Query’.
i. Repeat step a using the IP addresses ’65.43.21.’ and ’65.43.20.’.
Figure 7. Create Boston Data Center Query
2. Create device groups from location queries.
a. Create Austin Data Center device group.
i. Navigate to the Devices portal (Manage Devices).
ii. Right click the ‘All Devices’ device group.
iii. Select ‘New Group’.
iv. Name the group ‘Austin Data Center’ and click ‘Next’.
v. Select the ‘Austin Data Center Query’ in the ‘Select a query’ drop down menu
and click ‘Next’.