Setup guide

Setting Up Multiple OpenManage Essentials Instances on the Same SQL Server Database Instance
Taking the OpenManage Essentials Database Offline Figure 6.
iii. Once the database is offline, open the location of the mdf/ldf files and copy the files.
Change the name of the mdf and ldf files to anything other than OMEssentials.mdf and
OMEssentials_1.mdf. Assume, OMEssentials2.mdf and OMEssentials2_1.ldf.
iv. Copy these renamed mdf/ldf files to the centralized SQL server.
v. Once the files are copied, launch the Microsoft SQL server Management Studio” in the
centralized SQL server and right-click “Databases.
vi. Click “Attach. A window opens up. Enter the name of the database under “Databases
to attach” by clicking Add. Change the name under the Attach As” option to
match the name of the copied mdf and ldf files shown in Figure 7.
vii. Provide the path of the mdf and ldf files in “Current File Path” under “OMEssentials
database details” as shown in Figure 7.