Setup guide

Setting Up Multiple OpenManage Essentials Instances on the Same SQL Server Database Instance
13. Start the first OpenManage Essentials instance, which should be pointing to its own database.
Common Problem During Back-Up/Restore Process
During the back up and restore process, there is a possibility of landing up on this common problem
where SQL throws an error as shown in Figure 15.
Microsoft SQL error which might occur during back-up and restore process Figure 15.
Microsoft SQL server by default takes OMEssentials.mdf and OMEssentials_1.ldf files during the restore
operation. The path of the files needs to be changed to point to the backed up database. To fix this
problem, go back to the restore operation performed as indicated in Figure 16 and edit the files to
point to a new name and the new backed up database.
Changing the details for restore to point to correct database back-up Figure 16.
OpenManage Essentials version 1.2 provides this feature of using the same SQL Server database
instance with multiple databases for multiple OpenManage Essentials installations. Using this feature,
the same SQL server can be used to manage more than 2000 devices and it helps in managing devices
which are located in a different subnets or different geographical location.