Reference Guide

178 |Monitor Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.0 MIB | Reference Guide
Syntax WlsxMonAPHTRateStatsEntry
Max-Access not-accessible
Status current
Description Data rate based packet and byte count entry for a monitored AP.
Index monPhyAddress, monRadioNumber, monitoredApBSSID, monHTRate
Syntax ArubaHTRate
Max-Access read-only
Status current
Description The rate at which the counters apply.
Index monPhyAddress, monRadioNumber, monitoredApBSSID, monHTRate
Syntax Counter32
Max-Access read-only
Status current
Description The total number of packets processed at the indicated rate.
Index monPhyAddress, monRadioNumber, monitoredApBSSID, monHTRate
Syntax Counter32
Max-Access read-only
Status current
Description The total number of bytes processed at the indicated rate.
Index monPhyAddress, monRadioNumber, monitoredApBSSID, monHTRate