Reference Guide

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Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 6.0 Command Line Interface | Reference Guide show inventory | 841
Command History
This command was introduced in ArubaOS 1.0.
Command Information
FAN <Fan number> Status of the specified fan
Fan Tray Assembly# Assembly number of the fan tray
Fan Tray Serial# Serial number of fan tray
Back Plane Assembly# Assembly number of the back plane
Back Plane Serial# Serial number of the back plane
Power Supply Type Power supply type
Power Supply <power
supply number>
Power supply status
M3mk1 Card
z M3mk1 card
z The temperature from the sensor on the supervisor card
z The temperature from the CPU die
AMP Card Temperatures
z Processor Card
z Mobility Processor
z The temperature from the sensor on the Mobility Processor card
z The temperature from the FPGA die
M3mk1 Card Voltages This parameter displays to columns of voltages for many components displayed previously by
this command. The voltage displayed in the right column should match the corresponding
value in the left column, generally with +/- 5%.
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms Base operating system Enable or config mode on master controllers
Parameter Description