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Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.1 | User Guide Spectrum Analysis | 609
Spectrum Analysis Clients
The maximum number of spectrum monitor radios and hybrid AP radios on a controller is limited only by the
number of APs on that controller. If desired, you can configure every radio on an AP that supports the Spectrum
Analysis feature as a spectrum device. A dual-radio AP can operate as two spectrum devices, since each radio can
be individually configured as a spectrum monitor (SM) or hybrid AP.
A spectrum analysis client can simultaneously access data from up to four individual spectrum device radios.
Each spectrum device radio, however, can only be connected to a single client WebUI.
When you select a specific spectrum monitor or hybrid AP radio to stream data to your client, the controller first
checks the availability the device, to verify that it is not subscribed to some other client. Once the SM or hybrid
AP radio has been verified as available, the SM or hybrid AP establishes a connection to the client and begins
sending spectrum analysis data either every second or every five seconds, depending on the type of data being
Channel Utilization Trend A line chart that shows the channel utilization for one or more radio channels, as measured
over a defined time interval. Spectrum monitors can show data for multiple channels, while a
hybrid AP will show utilization levels for its one monitored channel only.
Device Duty Cycle A stacked bar chart showing the percent of each channel in the spectrum monitor radio’s
frequency band utilized by a Wi-Fi AP or any other device type detected by the spectrum
monitor. The Device Duty Cycle chart for a hybrid AP will only show data for the one channel
monitored by the hybrid AP.
This chart is only available for AP models W-AP105, W-AP92, W-AP93, W-AP175and the
W-AP130 Series.
Devices vs Channel A stacked bar chart showing the total numbers of each device type detected on each
channel in the spectrum monitor radio’s frequency band. The Devices vs Channel chart for a
hybrid AP will only show data for the one channel monitored by the hybrid AP.
FFT Duty Cycle Fast Fourier Transform, or FFT, is an algorithm for computing the frequency spectrum of a
time-varying input signal. This line chart shows the FFT duty cycle, which represents the
percent of time a signal is broadcast on the specified channel or frequency. Spectrum
monitors can show data for multiple channels, while a hybrid AP will show information only
for its one monitored channel.
This chart is only available for AP models W-AP105, W-AP92, W-AP93, W-AP175and the
W-AP130 Series.
Interference Power This chart shows information about Wi-Fi interference, including the Wi-Fi noise floor, and the
amount of adjacent channel interference from cordless phones, bluetooth devices and
microwaves. Spectrum monitors can show interference power data for multiple channels,
while a hybrid AP will show information only for its one monitored channel.
Quality Spectrogram This plot shows quality statistics for selected range of channels or frequencies as
determined by the current noise floor, non-Wi-Fi (interferer) utilization and duty-cycles and
certain types of retries. This chart can also be configured to show channel availability, the
percentage of each channel that is unused and available for additional traffic. Spectrum
monitors can show data for multiple channels, while a hybrid AP will show information only
for its one monitored channel.
Real-Time FFT Fast Fourier Transform, or FFT, is an algorithm for computing the frequency spectrum of a
time-varying input signal. This line chart shows the power level of a signal on the channels or
frequencies monitored by a spectrum monitor radio. Spectrum monitors can show data for
multiple channels, while a hybrid AP will show information only for its one monitored channel.
This chart is only available for AP models W-AP105, W-AP92, W-AP93, W-AP175and the
W-AP130 Series.
Swept Spectrogram This plot displays FFT power levels or the FFT duty cycle for a selected channel or frequency,
as measured during each time tick. Spectrum monitors can show data for multiple channels,
while a hybrid AP will show information only for its one monitored channel.
This chart is only available for AP models W-AP105, W-AP92, W-AP93, W-AP175and the
W-AP130 Series.
Table 125 Spectrum Analysis Graphs (Continued)
Graph Title Description