Users Guide

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Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.1 | User Guide RF Plan | 93
Figure 16 Access Point Editor
RF Plan automatically names APs using the default convention ap number, where number starts at 1 and
increments by one for each new AP. When you manually create an AP, the new AP is assigned the next number
and is added to the bottom of the suggested AP list.
You may name an AP anything you wish. The name must consist of alphanumeric characters and be 64 characters
or less in length.
Fixed APs do not move when RF Plan executes the positioning algorithm.
Choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu. Choosing Yes locks the position of the AP as it is shown in the
coordinate boxes of the Access Editor. Choosing No allows RF Plan to move the AP as necessary to achieve best
Radio Types
The Radio drop-down menu allows you to specify what frequency band the AP uses. You can choose from one of
the following:
802.11a/b/g (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands)
802.11a (5 GHz frequency band)
802.1 b/g (2.4 GHz frequency band)
NOTE: You might typically set a fixed AP when you have a specific room, such as a conference room, in which you want saturated
coverage. You might also want to consider using a fixed AP when you have an area that has an unusually high user density.
NOTE: 802.11n (HT) support features are available on the 2.4 or 5 GHz frequency band. The availability of these options on these
frequency bands is dependent on the radio (frequency band) chosen and whether or not these feature were enabled on the AP
modeling page at the building level.