Reference Guide

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Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.0 MIB | Reference Guide WLAN | 519
Max-Access read-only
Status current
Description VLAN in which the station is present.
History Added in ArubaOS 2.3.
Syntax ArubaEnableValue
Max-Access read-only
Status current
Description The state of VOIP for this station.
History Added in ArubaOS 2.3.
Syntax ArubaVoipProtocolType
Max-Access read-only
Status current
Description If VoIP is enabled, the type of the protocol supported.
History Added in ArubaOS 2.3.
Syntax Unsigned32
Max-Access read-only
Status current
Description AID with which the station is associated with this system.
History Added in ArubaOS 2.3.
Syntax Unsigned32
Max-Access read-only
Status current
Description AID with which the station is associated with this system.