Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
1094 | show rf dot11g-radio-profile Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.1 CLI | Reference Guide
Non 802.11 Interference Immunity Show the current value for 802.11 Interference Immunity on the 2.4 Ghz band.
The default setting for this parameter is level 2. When performance drops due to
interference from non-802.11 interferers (such as DECT or Bluetooth devices), the level can
be increased up to level 5 for improved performance. However, increasing the level makes
the AP slightly “deaf” to its surroundings, causing the AP to lose a small amount of range.
The levels for this parameter are:
Level-0: no ANI adaptation.
Level-1: noise immunity only.
Level-2: noise and spur immunity.
Level-3: level 2 and weak OFDM immunity.
Level-4: level 3 and FIR immunity.
Level-5: disable PHY reporting.
Enable CSA Shows if Channel Switch Announcements (CSAs) are enabled or disabled. CSAs, as
defined by IEEE 802.11h, enable an AP to announce that it is switching to a new channel
before it begins transmitting on that channel. This allows clients that support CSA to
transition to the new channel with minimal downtime.
CSA Count Number of channel switch announcements that must be sent prior to switching to a new
channel. The default CSA count is 4 announcements.
Management Frame Throttle
Averaging interval for rate limiting mgmt frames from this radio, in seconds. A management
frame throttle interval of 0 seconds disables rate limiting.
Management Frame Throttle Limit Maximum number of management frames that can come in from this radio in each throttle
ARM/WIDS Override If enabled, this option disables Adaptive Radio Management (ARM) and Wireless IDS
functions and slightly increases packet processing performance. If a radio is configured to
operate in Air Monitor mode, then the ARM/WIDS override functions are always enabled,
regardless of whether or not this check box is selected.
Protection for 802.11b Clients Shows if the profile has enabled or disabled protection for 802.11b clients.
Adaptive Radio Management
(ARM) Profile
Name of an Adaptive Radio Management profile associated with this 802.11a profile.
High-throughput Radio Profile Name of a High Throughput Radio profile associated with this 802.11a profile.
Maximum Distance Maximum distance between a client and an AP or between a mesh point and a mesh
portal, in meters. This value is used to derive ACK and CTS timeout times. A value of 0
specifies default settings for this parameter, where timeouts are only modified for outdoor
mesh radios which use a distance of 16km.
Spectrum Monitoring If enabled, the AP operates as a hybrid AP that can simultaneously serve clients and
monitor a single channel for spectrum analysis data.
Spectrum Monitoring Profile The spectrum monitoring profile referenced by APs using this 802.11g radio profile. For
details, see rf spectrum-profile on page 486
AM Scanning Profile The AM scanning profile referenced by APs usign this 802.11g radio profile. For details, see
rf am-scan-profile on page 460
Parameter Description