Reference Guide

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694 | show ap mesh debug meshd-log Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.1 CLI | Reference Guide
show ap mesh debug meshd-log
show ap mesh debug meshd-log {ap-name <ap-name>}|{bssid <bssid>}|{ip-addr <ip-addr>}
Show the debug log messages for the meshd process.
Usage Guidelines
This is an internal technical support command. Dell technical support may request that you issue this command
to help analyze and troubleshoot problems with the meshd process or your mesh network.
Command History
Command Information
Parameter Description
ap-name <ap-name> Show data for an AP with a specific name.
bssid <bssid> Show data for a specific Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) on an AP. The Basic Service Set
Identifier (BSSID) is usually the AP’s MAC address.
ip-addr <ip-addr> Show data for an AP with a specific IP address by entering an IP address in dotted-decimal
<page> Display page number 0, 1 or 2, where page 0 has the newest information and page 2 has the
oldest. If this parameter is omitted, this command will display all meshd log information, oldest
Release Modification
ArubaOS 3.0 Command introduced.
ArubaOS 3.4 The page parameter was introduced.
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms This show command is available in
the base operating system.
Commands to configure the mesh
feature require the Mesh license.
Enable or Config mode on master controllers