Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
840 | show datapath Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.1 CLI | Reference Guide
table This command displays the Datapath Station Table Statistics detail.
Display all associated wireless devices on the Dell controller with their
corresponding AP BSSID and VLAN ID.
Displays the wireless device is associated with the correct encryption type (if the device is
associated to an AP BSSID that has encryption enabled and verifies whether the Dell
controller is having a problem in decrypting the wireless device’s frames.
tunnel Displays contents of the datapath tunnel table. This command displays all the tunnels that
are terminated by the controller, including Dell APs’ GRE tunnels. For example, a GRE
tunnel is created and terminated on the Dell controller for every SSID/BSSID configured on
the Dell AP.
counters Tunnel counters.
ipv4 Displays the tcp tunnel table filtered on IPv4 entries.
ipv6 Displays the tcp tunnel table filtered on IPv6 entries.
station-list Displays the list of stations on the tunnel.
table Tunnel table statistics.
user Displays datapath user statistics such as current entries, pending deletes, high water
mark, maximum entries, total entries, allocation failures, invalid users and maximum link
ap-name <ap-name> Name of AP.
counters User counters.
ip-addr <ip-address> IP address of the AP.
ipv4 Displays datapath IPv4 user entries and statistics such as current entries, pending deletes,
high water mark, maximum entries, total entries, allocation failures, invalid users, and
maximum link length.
ipv6 Displays datapath IPv6 user entries and statistics such as current entries, pending deletes,
high water mark, maximum entries, total entries, allocation failures, invalid users, and
maximum link length.
table User table statistics.
utilization Displays the current CPU utilization of all datapath CPUs.
vlan Displays VLAN table information such as VLAN memberships inside the datapath including
L@ tunnels which tunnel L2 traffic.
ap-name <ap-name> Name of the AP.
ip-addr <ip-address> IP address of AP.
table Displays VLAN number, flag, port and datapath VLAN multicast entries.
vlan-mcast Displays the datapath VLAN multicast table.
ap-name <ap-name> Name of the AP.
ip-addr <ip-address> IP address of AP.
table Displays datapath VLAN Multicast table entries.
Displays wifi reassembly counters including CPU, current entries, high water-mark,
maximum entries, total entries and allocation failures.
wmm counters Displays VOIP statistics including the number of uplink and downlink resets.
Parameter Description