Users Guide

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Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 | User Guide Access Points | 131
5. Configure your settings as detailed in Table 31 and click Apply to save your settings.
In the CLI
Use the following command to configure RF event profiles. The available parameters for this profile are detailed
in Table 31.
rf event-thresholds-profile <profile>
bwr-high-wm <percent>
bwr-low-wm <percent>
clone <profile>
fer-high-wm <percent>
Table 31 RF Event Profile Parameters
Parameter Description
Detect Frame Rate Anomalies Enable or disables detection of frame rate anomalies. This feature is disabled by
Bandwidth Rate High Watermark If bandwidth in an AP exceeds this value, a bandwidth exceeded condition exists. The
value represents the percentage of maximum for a given radio. (For 802.11b, the
maximum bandwidth is 7 Mbps. For 802.11 a and g, the maximum is 30 Mbps.) The
recommended value is 85%.
Bandwidth Rate Low Watermark After a bandwidth exceeded condition exists, the condition persists until bandwidth
drops below this value. The recommended value is 70%.
Frame Error Rate High Watermark If the frame error rate (as a percentage of total frames in an AP) exceeds this value, a
frame error rate exceeded condition exists. The recommended value is 16%.
Frame Error Rate Low Watermark After a frame error rate exceeded condition exists, the condition persists until the
frame error rate drops below this value. The recommended value is 8%.
Frame Fragmentation Rate High
If the frame fragmentation rate (as a percentage of total frames in an AP) exceeds this
value, a frame fragmentation rate exceeded condition exists. The recommended value
is 16%.
Frame Fragmentation Rate Low
After a frame fragmentation rate exceeded condition exists, the condition persists until
the frame fragmentation rate drops below this value. The recommended value is 8%
Frame Low Speed Rate High
If the rate of low-speed frames (as a percentage of total frames in an AP) exceeds this
value, a low-speed rate exceeded condition exists. This could indicate a coverage
hole. The recommended value is 16%.
Frame Low Speed Rate Low
After a low-speed rate exceeded condition exists, the condition persists until the
percentage of low-speed frames drops below this value. The recommended value is
Frame Non Unicast Rate High
If the non-unicast rate (as a percentage of total frames in an AP) exceeds this value, a
non-unicast rate exceeded condition exists. This value depends upon the applications
used on the network.
Frame Non Unicast Rate Low
After a non-unicast rate exceeded condition exists, the condition persists until the
non-unicast rate drops below this value.
Frame Receive Error Rate High
If the frame receive error rate (as a percentage of total frames in an AP) exceeds this
value, a frame receive error rate exceeded condition exists. The recommended value
is 16%
Frame Receive Error Rate Low
After a frame receive error rate exceeded condition exists, the condition persists until
the frame receive error rate drops below this value. The recommended value is 8%.
Frame Retry Rate High Watermark If the frame retry rate (as a percentage of total frames in an AP) exceeds this value, a
frame retry rate exceeded condition exists. The recommended value is 16%.
Frame Retry Rate Low Watermark After a frame retry rate exceeded condition exists, the condition persists until the
frame retry rate drops below this value. The recommended value is 8%.