Users Guide

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134 | Access Points Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 | [User Guide
The example in this section illustrates a static channel assignment and assumes that the radio and regulatory
domain profiles being configured were previously created and assigned to an existing AP group named “ht-
corpnet-ap.” These settings also allow for the default ARM profile settings, see “Automatic Channel and
Transmit Power Selection Using ARM” on page 159, and Dell’s recommended high-throughput channel
assignments for the 802.11a and 802.11b/g bands:
1. Enter a valid country code (US) for the “default” regulatory domain profile. This will determine the available
2. Configure a 40 MHz channel (bonded pair) for an 802.11a (5 GHz) radio profile named “ht-corpnet-a.”
3. Configure a 20 MHz channel for an 802.11g (2.4 GHz) radio profile named “ht-corpnet-g.”
Configuring Channels in the WebUI
1. Navigate to Configuration > Wireless > AP Configuration > AP Group page.
2. Click Edit for the AP group ht-corpnet-ap.
3. Under the Profiles list, select AP to display the AP profiles.
4. Select the Regulatory Domain profile named “default.”
5. Select US - United States from the Country Code drop-down menu.
6. Click Apply.
7. Under the Profiles list, select RF Management to display the radio profiles.
8. Select the 802.11a radio profile named “ht-corpnet-a.”
9. Enter 36 in the Channel text field and select the Above radio button. In this instance, channel 36 becomes
the primary channel and the secondary channel is 40.
10. Click Apply.
11. Select the 802.11g radio profile named “ht-corpnet-g.”
Table 32 20 MHz and 40 MHz Static Channel Configuration Options
WebUI CLI Definition
Channel Text Field
None Radio Button
channel <num> Entering a channel number in the CLI, or entering a channel number in the
WebUI and selecting the None radio button, disables 40 MHz mode and
activates 20 MHz mode for the entered channel.
Channel Text Field
Above Radio Button
channel <num>+ Entering a channel number with a plus (+) sign in the CLI, or entering a
channel number and selecting the Above radio button in the WebUI, selects a
primary and secondary channel for 40 MHz mode.
The number entered becomes the primary channel and the secondary
channel is determined by increasing the primary channel number by 4.
Example: 157+ represents 157 as the primary channel and 161 as the
secondary channel.
Channel Text Field
Below Radio Button
channel <num>- Entering a channel number with a minus (-) sign in the CLI, or entering a
channel number and selecting the Below radio button in the WebUI, selects a
primary and secondary channel for 40 MHz mode.
The number entered becomes the primary channel and the secondary
channel is determined by decreasing the primary channel number by 4.
Example: 157- represents 157 as the primary channel and 153 as the
secondary channel.
Note: If you want the channel assignments to utilize high-throughput, ensure that high-throughput is enabled within the radio
profile. For details, see “Configuring High-throughput on Virtual APs” on page 125.