Users Guide

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Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 | User Guide Secure Enterprise Mesh | 207
Assigning an 802.11a/802.11g Profile
Use the following procedure to assign an 802.11a or 802.11g RF management profile to an AP group or individual
AP via the WebUI.
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Wireless > AP Configuration window. Select either the AP Group or AP
Specific tab.
If you selected AP Group, click the Edit button by the AP group name to which you want to assign a new
802.11a or 802.11g RF management profile.
If you selected AP Specific, click the Edit button by the AP to which you want to assign a new 802.11a or
802.11g RF management profile
2. Under the Profiles list, expand the RF management menu.
3. To select a 802.11a radio profile for an AP or AP group, click 802.11a radio profile. In the Profile Details
window pane, click the 802.11a radio profile drop-down list and select the desired profile from the list
To select a 802.11g radio profile for an AP or AP group, click 802.11g radio profile. In the Profile Details
window pane, click the 802.11g radio profile drop-down list and select the desired profile from the list
4. Click Apply. The profile name appears in the Profile list with your configured settings. If you configure this
for the AP group, this profile also becomes the selected 802.11a or 802.11g RF management profile used by
the mesh portal for your mesh network.
Assigning a High-throughput Profile
Each 802.11a or 802.11g RF management radio profile references a high-througput profile that manages the AP
group’s 40Mhz tolerance settings. By default, an 802.11a profile references a high-throughput profile named
default-a and an 802.11g profile references a high-throughput profile named default-g. If you do not want to use
these default profiles, use the procedure below to reference a different high-throughput profile for your 802.11a or
802.11g RF management profiles.
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Wireless > AP Configuration window. Select either the AP Group or AP
Specific tab.
z If you selected AP Group, click the Edit button by the AP group name to which you want to assign a new
high-throughput profile.
z If you selected AP Specific, click the Edit button by the AP which you want to assign a new high-
throughput profile.
ARM/WIDS Override If selected, this option disables Adaptive Radio Management (ARM) and Wireless IDS functions and
slightly increases packet processing performance. If a radio is configured to operate in Air Monitor
mode, then the ARM/WIDS override functions are always enabled, regardless of whether or not this
check box is selected.
Protection for 802.11b
(For 802.11g RF Management Profiles only) Enable or disable protection for 802.11b clients. This
parameter is enabled by default. Disabling this feature may improve performance if there are no
802.11b clients on the WLAN.
WARNING: Disabling protection violates the 802.11 standard and may cause interoperability issues.
If this feature is disabled on a WLAN with 802.11b clients, the 802.11b clients will not detect an
802.11g client talking and can potentially transmit at the same time, thus garbling both frames.
Maximum Distance Maximum client distance, in meters. This value is used to derive ACK and CTS timeout times. A value
of 0 specifies default settings for this parameter, where timeouts are only modified for outdoor mesh
radios which use a distance of 16km.
The upper limit for this parameter varies from 24–58km, depending on the radio’s band (a/g) and 20/
40 MHz mode. Note that if you configure a value above the supported maximum, the maximum
supported value will be used instead. Values below 600m will use default settings.
Table 40 802.11a/802.11g RF Management Configuration Parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description