Users Guide

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Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 | User Guide 802.1x Authentication | 267
Using the CLI to create the sysadmin role
user-role sysadmin
session-acl allowall
Using the WebUI to create the computer role
1. Navigate to Configuration > Security > Access Control > User Roles page. Click Add to create the
computer role.
2. For Role Name, enter computer.
3. Under Firewall Policies, click Add. In Choose from Configured Policies, select the predefined allowall policy.
Click Done.
4. Click Apply.
Using the CLI to create the computer role
user-role computer
session-acl allowall
Creating an alias for the internal network using CLI
netdestination “Internal Network”
Configuring the RADIUS Authentication Server
Configure the RADIUS server IAS1, with IP address and shared key. The RADIUS server is configured
to sent an attribute called Class to the controller; the value of this attribute is set to either “student,” “faculty,” or
“sysadmin” to identify the user’s group. The controller uses the literal value of this attribute to determine the role
On the controller, you add the configured server (IAS1) into a server group. For the server group, you configure
the server rule that allows the Class attribute returned by the server to set the user role.
Using the WebUI
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Security > Authentication > Servers page.
2. In the Servers list, select Radius Server. In the RADIUS Server Instance list, enter IAS1 and click Add.
a. Select IAS1 to display configuration parameters for the RADIUS server.
b. For IP Address, enter
c. For Key, enter
(You must enter the key string twice.)
d. Click Apply.
3. In the Servers list, select Server Group. In the Server Group Instance list, enter IAS and click Add.
a. Select the server group IAS to display configuration parameters for the server group.
b. Under Servers, click New.
c. From the Server Name drop-down menu, select IAS1. Click Add Server.
4. Under Server Rules, click New.
a. For Condition, enter Class.
b. For Attribute, select value-of from the drop-down menu.
c. For Operand, select set role.
d. Click Add.
5. Click Apply.