Users Guide

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366 | Virtual Private Networks Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 | [User Guide
For the Pre-shared-key:
crypto-local isakmp key <key> address <ipaddr> netmask
For a static IP controller that responds to IKE Aggressive-mode for Site-Site VPN:
crypto-local ipsec-map <name2> <priority>
src-net <ipaddr> <mask>
dst-net <ipaddr> <mask>
peer-fqdn fqdn-id <peer_id_fqdn>
vlan <id>
trusted enable
For the Pre-shared-key:
crypto-local isakmp key <key> fqdn <fqdn-id>
For a static IP controller that responds to IKE Aggressive-mode for Site-Site VPN with One PSK for All FQDNs:
crypto-local ipsec-map <name2> <priority>
src-net <ipaddr> <mask>
peer-fqdn any-fqdn
vlan <id>
trusted enable
For the Pre-shared-key for All FQDNs:
crypto-local isakmp key <key> fqdn-any
Dead Peer Detection
Dead Peer Detection (DPD) is enabled by default on the controller for site-to-site VPNs. DPD, as described in
RFC 3706, “A Traffic-Based Method of Detecting Dead Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Peers,” uses IPsec traffic
patterns to minimize the number of IKE messages required to determine the liveness of an IKE peers.
To configure DPD parameters, issue the following commands via the command-line interface.
crypto-local isakmp dpd idle-timeout <idle_seconds> retry-timeout <retry_seconds>
retry-attempts <number>
Dell Dialer
For Windows clients, a dialer can be downloaded from the controller to auto-configure tunnel settings on the
Configuring the Dialer via the WebUI
Use the following procedure to configure the Dell dialer via the WebUI:
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Advanced Services > VPN Services > Dialers page. Click Add to add a new
dialer or click the Edit tab to edit an existing dialer.
2. Enter the Dialer Name that will be used to identify this setting.
3. Configure the dialer to work with PPTP or L2TP by selecting the Enable PPTP or the Enable L2TP checkbox.
4. Select the authentication protocol. This should match the L2TP protocol list selected if Enable L2TP is
checked or the PPTP list configured if Enable PPTP is checked.
5. For L2TP:
Set the IKE Hash Algorithm to SHA or MD5 as in the IKE policy on the Advanced Services > VPN
Services > IPSEC page.