Users Guide

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480 | Wireless Intrusion Prevention Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 | [User Guide
suspect-rogue-conf-level <level>
valid-and-protected-ssid <ssid>
valid-oui <oui>
valid-wired-mac <macaddr>
wireless-bridge-quiet-time <seconds>
WLAN Management System
The WLAN management system (WMS) on the controller monitors wireless traffic to detect any new AP or
wireless client station that tries to connect to the network. When an AP or wireless client is detected, it is
classified and its classification is used to determine the security policies which should be enforced on the AP or
Configuring WMS via the WebUI
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Advanced Services > Wireless page.
2. Configure the parameters, as described in Table 100.
3. Click Apply.
Table 100 WMS Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
AP Ageout Interval The amount of time, in minutes, that an AP is unseen by any probes before it
is deleted from the database. Enter 0 to disable ageout.
Default: 30 minutes
AM Poll Interval Interval, in milliseconds, for communication between the controller and Dell
AMs. The controller contacts the AM at this interval to download AP to STA
associations, update policy configuration changes, and download AP and
STA statistics.
Default: 60000 milliseconds (1 minute)
Number of AM Poll Retries Maximum number of failed polling attempts before the polled AM is
considered to be down.
Default: 3
Station Ageout Interval The amount of time, in minutes, that a client is unseen by any probes before it
is deleted from the database. Enter 0 to disable ageout.
Default: 30 minutes
Enable Statistics Update in DB Enables or disables statistics update in the database.
Default: enabled
Mark Known Interfering APs as Persistent
Known Interfering APs
Enables or disables APs that are marked as known interfering from being
aged out.
Default: enabled
Learn APs Enables or disables AP learning. Learning affects the way APs are classified.
Default: disabled