Users Guide

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634 | Internal Captive Portal Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 | [User Guide
if (q[i] == "errmsg") {
errmsg = unescape(q[i + 1]);
if (errmsg && errmsg.length > 0) {
switch(errmsg) {
case "Authentication Failed":
localized_msg="Authentication Failed";
errmsg = "<div id='errorbox'>\n" + localised_msg + "\n</div>\n";
e. Translate the web page text. Once you have made the changes as above, you only need to translate the rest
of the text that appears on the page. The exact text that appears will depend on the controller settings
when you originally viewed the captive portal. You will need to translate all relevant text such as
"REGISTERED USER", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD", the value="" part of the INPUT type="submit"
button and all other text. Ensure that the character set you use to translate into is the same as you have
selected in part i) above.
Feel free to edit the HTML as you go if you are familiar with HTML.
5. After saving the changes made in step 4 above, upload the file to the controller using the
Configuration > Management >Captive Portal > Upload Custom Login Pages section of the WebUI.
Choose the captive portal profile from the drop-down menu. Browse your local computer for the file you
saved. For Page Type, select “Captive Portal Login”. Ensure that the "Revert to factory default settings" box is
NOT checked and click Apply. This will upload the file to the controller and set the captive portal profile to
use this page as the redirection page.
In order to check that your site is operating correctly, go back to the "Customize Login Page" and click on
"View Captive Portal" to view the page you have uploaded. Check that your browser has automatically
detected the character set and that your text is not garbled.
To make any adjustments to your page, edit your file locally and simply re-upload to the controller in order to
view the page again.
6. Finally, it is possible to customize the welcome page on the controller, however for language localization it is
recommended to use an "external welcome page" instead. This can be a web site on an external server, or it
can be a static page that is uploaded to a controller.
You set the welcome page in the captive portal authentication profile. This is the page that the user will be
redirected to after successful authentication.
If this is required to be a page on the controller, the user needs to create their own web page (using the charset
meta attribute in step 4 above). Upload this page to the designated controller in the same manner as
uploading the captive portal login page under "Configuration > Management >Captive Portal > Upload
Custom Login Pages. For Page Type, select “Captive Portal Welcome Page”.