Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
556 | show aaa xml-api statistics Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 Command Line Interface | Reference Guide
Command History
This command was introduced in ArubaOS 3.0.
Command Information
user_blacklist Number of denied user association requests.
user_query Number of user queries performed.
unknown user Number of unknown users.
unknown role Number of unknown user roles.
unknown external agent Number of requests by an unknown external agent.
authentication failed Number of failed authentication requests.
invalid command Number of invalid XML commands
invalid message authentication
Number of XML commands with an invalid authentication method (when a key is configured
on the controller).
invalid message digest Number of XML commands with an invalid digest type (when a key is configured on the
missing message
Number of XML commands with an missing authentication method (when a key is configured
on the controller).
missing or invalid version
Number of commands with a missing or invalid version number.
The version number should always be 1.0.
internal error Number of internal server errors
client not authorized Number of unauthorized clients
Cant use VLAN IP Number of time a user IP is same as the VLAN IP.
Invalid IP Number of XML commands with an invalid IP address.
Cant use Switch IP Redirection to a IP failed, possibly because the source IP has been NATted.
missing MAC address Number of XML commands with a missing MAC address.
Packets received from unknown
Number of packets received from unknown clients.
Packets received with unknown
Number of packets received with unknown request
Requests Received/Success/
Total number of requests received / number of successful requests / number of failed requests
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms Base operating system Enable or Config mode on master and local
Parameter Description