Reference Guide

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572 | show ap arm history Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 Command Line Interface | Reference Guide
show ap arm history
show ap arm history {ap-name <ap-name>}|{bssid <bssid>}|{ip-addr <ip-addr>}
For each interface on an AP, show the history of channel and power changes due to Adaptive Radio Management
Adaptive Radio Management (ARM) can automatically change channel and power levels based on a number of
factors such as noise levels and radio interference. The output of the show ap arm history command shows you an
AP’s channel and power changes over time, and the reason why those changes took place.
Parameter Description
ap-name <ap-name> Show ARM history for an AP with a specific name.
bssid <bssid> Show ARM history for a specific Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) on an AP. An AP’s BSSID
is usually the AP’s MAC address.
ip-addr <ip-addr> Show ARM history for an AP with a specific IP address. Enter the IP address in dotted-decimal
(host)# #(ethersphere-lms3) #show ap arm history ap-name AP-16
Interface :wifi0
ARM History
Reason Old channel New channel Old Power New Power Last change
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- -----------
P- 153- 153- 12 9 3d:14h:56m:48s
P+ 153- 153- 9 12 3d:13h:44m:7s
P+ 153- 153- 12 15 3d:13h:23m:5s
P+ 153- 153- 15 18 3d:13h:16m:32s
P+ 153- 153- 18 21 3d:11h:42m:42s
P- 153- 153- 21 15 3d:8h:16m:12s
Interface :wifi1
ARM History
Reason Old channel New channel Old Power New Power Last change
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- -----------
P- 11 11 15 12 3d:18h:22m:28s
P+ 11 11 12 15 3d:18h:17m:27s
P- 11 11 15 12 3d:18h:9m:9s
P+ 11 11 12 15 3d:17h:48m:41s
P+ 11 11 15 18 3d:17h:44m:34s
P- 11 11 18 15 3d:17h:39m:11s
P- 11 11 15 12 3d:17h:32m:39s
P+ 11 11 12 15 3d:17h:26m:15s
I: Interference, R: Radar detection, N: Noise exceeded, E: Error threshold exceeded, INV: Invalid Channe
Containment, M: Empty Channel, P+: Increase Power, P-: Decrease Power, OFF: Turn off Radio, ON: Turn on