Reference Guide

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636 | show ap debug radio-stats Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 Command Line Interface | Reference Guide
Last ACK SNR EXT0 Signal-to-noise ratio for the last received ACK packet on the secondary (extension) channel 0.
This parameter is only displayed for APs operating in 40 Mhz mode.
Last ACK SNR EXT1 Signal-to-noise ratio for the last received ACK packet on the secondary (extension) channel 1.
This parameter is only displayed for APs operating in 40 Mhz mode.
Last ACK SNR EXT2 Signal-to-noise ratio for the last received ACK packet on the secondary (extension) channel 2.
This parameter is only displayed for APs operating in 40 Mhz mode.
Frames Received Number of frames received.
Good Frames Number of frames received with no errors.
Bad Frames Number of bad or error frames received.
Rx Clear 1s The percentage of time no activity was seen on the air in the last 1 second.
Rx Clear 4s The percentage of time no activity was seen on the air in the last 4 seconds.
Rx Clear 64s The percentage of time no activity was seen on the air in the last 64 seconds.
Discarded Events Number of non-802.11 events that were detected and discarded during normal
ARM Scan Frames Number of scan frames sent for the adaptive radio management (ARM) feature.
Rx Data Frames Data frames received
Null Data Frames Null data frames received
Rx Mgmt Frames Management frames received
Control Frames Control frames received.
Frames To Me Number of wireless frames received that are addressed to the specified BSSID.
Broadcast Frames Number of broadcast frames received.
Beacons Received Number of beacons received
Probe Requests Number of Probe requests received.
Rx Probe Responses Number of Probe responses received.
Rx RTS Frames Ready To Send (RTS) frames received. These frames are sent when a computer has data to
Rx CTS Frames Clear To Send (CTS) frames received. This type of frame are used to verify that a client is ready
to receive information.
ACK Frames Number of acknowledgement frames received.
PS Poll Frames Power-Save Poll (PS-Poll) frames received. When a client exits a power-saving mode, it
transmits a PS-Poll frame to the AP to retrieve any frames buffered while it was in power-
saving mode.
CRC Errors Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a data sequence that is sent with a frame to help verify if all
the data received correctly. Possible CRC error causes include:
z Hardware malfunction
z Loose or unconnected cables
z RF interference, such as overlapping access point coverage on a channel or interfering
2.4-GHz signals from devices like microwave ovens
z and wireless handset phones
PLCP Errors Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP) errors.
Rx Frames Dropped Number of received frames that were dropped.
Parameter Description