Reference Guide

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816 | show esi servers Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 Command Line Interface | Reference Guide
show esi servers
show esi servers [{group-name <groupname>|{server-name <server-name>}]
Show configuration information for ESI servers.
Usage Guidelines
By default, this command displays configuration settings for all ESI servers. You can include the name of an ESI
group to view servers assigned to just that group, or specify a server name to view information for that server only.
This example below displays configuration details for the ESI server name forti_1.
The output of this command includes the following information:
Parameter Description
group-name <groupname> Include this optional parameter to display information for all ESI servers assigned to a specific ESI
server-name <server-
Specify an ESI server name to view configuration information for just that server.
Column Description
Name Name of the ESI server.
Trusted IP Displays the server IP address on the trusted network. As an option, you can also enable a health
check on the specified address
Untrusted IP Displays the server IP address on the untrusted network. As an option, you can also enable a health
check on the specified address
Trusted s/p Shows the slot and port connected to the trusted side of the ESI server; slot/port format.
Untrusted s/p Shows the slot and port connected to the untrusted side of the ESI server.
Group Name of the ESI group to which this server is assigned. If the server has not yet been assigned to a
group, this column will be blank.
Mode Specifies the ESI server mode of operation: bridge, nat, or route
(host) #show esi servers server-name forti_1
ESI Server Table
Name Trusted IP Untrusted IP Trusted s/p Untrusted s/p Group Mode NAT Port ID Flags
---- ---------- ------------ ----------- ------------- ----- ---- -------- -- -----
forti_1 -/- -/- default route 0 4 U
C :Datapath Download complete
U :Server Up
D :Server Down
PT:Trusted Ping response outstanding
PU:Untrusted Ping response outstanding
HT:Health Check Trusted IP
HU:Health Check Untrusted IP
FT:Trusted Ping failed
FU:Untrusted Ping failed