Reference Guide

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Dell PowerConnect ArubaOS 5.0 Command Line Interface | Reference Guide ap mesh-ht-ssid-profile | 93
Parameter Description Range Default
<profile-name> Enter the name of an existing mesh high-throughput SSID
profile to modify that profile, or enter a new name or create
a new mesh high-throughput profile. The mesh high-
throughput profile can have a maximum of 32 characters.
To view existing high-throughput SSID radio profiles, use
the command show ap mesh-radio-profile.
clone <source> Copy configuration information from a source profile into
the currently selected profile
40MHz-enable Enable or disable the use of 40 MHz channels. This
parameter is enabled by default.
Enable or disable high-throughput (802.11n) features
on this SSID. This parameter is enabled by default.
legacy-stations Allow or disallow associations from legacy (non-HT)
stations. By default, this parameter is enabled (legacy
stations are allowed).
mpdu-agg Enable or disable MAC protocol data unit (MPDU)
High-throughput mesh APs are able to send aggregated
MAC protocol data units (MDPUs), which allow an AP to
receive a single block acknowledgment instead of multiple
ACK signals. This option, which is enabled by default,
reduces network traffic overhead by effectively eliminating
the need to initiate a new transfer for every MPDU.
max-tx-a-mpdu-size Maximum size of a transmitted aggregate MPDU, in bytes. 1576 -65535 65535 bytes
max-rx-a-mpdu-size Maximum size of a received aggregate MPDU, in bytes. 8191, 16383,
32767, 65535
65535 bytes
Minimum time between the start of adjacent MPDUs within
an aggregate MPDU, in microseconds.
0 (No restriction
on MDPU start
spacing), .25
μsec, .5 μsec, 1
μsec, 2 μsec, 4
0 usec
supported-mcs-set A list of Modulation Coding Scheme (MCS) values or ranges
of values to be supported on this SSID. The MCS you
choose determines the channel width (20MHz vs. 40MHz)
and the number of spatial streams used by the mesh node.
The default value is 1-15; the complete set of supported
values. To specify a smaller range of values, enter a hyphen
between the lower and upper values. To specify a series of
different values, separate each value with a comma.
Range: 0-15.
1-15 1-15