Reference Guide

Parameter Description
Detect AP Impersonation
Shows of the profile has enabled or disabled detection of AP
Protect from AP Impersonation
Shows if AP impersonation is enabled or disabled for the profile. When
AP impersonation is detected, both the legitimate and impersonating AP
are disabled using a denial of service attack.
Beacon Diff Threshold
Percentage increase in beacon rates that triggers an AP impersonation
Beacon Increase Wait Time
Time, in seconds, after the beacon difference threshold is crossed
before an AP impersonation event is generated.
Detect AP Spoofing
AP Spoofing detection is enabled
Detect Beacon Wrong Channel
Disable detection of beacons advertising the incorrect channel
Beacon Wrong Channel Detection
Quiet Time
Wait 90 seconds after detecting a beacon with the wrong channel after
which the check can be resumed.
Detect Hotspotter Attack
Enable detection of the Hotspotter attack to lure away valid clients.
Hotspotter Quiet Time
Wait 90 seconds after detecting an attempt to Use the Hotspotter tool
against clients.
Related Commands
Configure IDS impersonation profiles using the command ids impersonation-profile.
Command History
Version Description
ArubaOS 3.0 Command Introduced
ArubaOS 6.0 Refreshed show output
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
Available on all platforms Requires the RFprotect license Config mode on master controllers
Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.2 | Reference Guide show ids impersonation-profile | 1019