Reference Guide

1164 | show netstat DellPowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.2 | Reference Guide
show netstat
show netstat [stats]
Show current active network connections.
Parameter Description
Show network statistics, filtered by protocol type.
Usage guidelines
Issue this command without the optional stats parameter to view a complete table of active network connections.
Include the stats parameter to display aggregate statistics for IP, ICMP, TCP and UDP protocols.
The following example shows incoming and outgoing packet statistics for the controller.
(host) #show netstat stats
1084012095 total packets received
2 with invalid headers
3 forwarded
426940 incoming packets discarded
932097114 incoming packets delivered
1004595164 requests sent out
52847 fragments dropped after timeout
201323411 reassemblies required
50179757 packets reassembled ok
53204 packet reassembles failed
136827034 fragments created
1969625 ICMP messages received
5 input ICMP message failed.
ICMP input histogram:
destination unreachable: 1752058
timeout in transit: 1684
redirects: 70805
echo requests: 145073
echo replies: 5
249806 ICMP messages sent
0 ICMP messages failed
ICMP output histogram:
destination unreachable: 51944
time exceeded: 52796
redirect: 2
echo replies: 145064
3 active connections openings
0 passive connection openings
0 failed connection attempts
0 connection resets received