Reference Guide

show rf ht-radio-profile
show rf ht-radio-profile [<profile>]
Show a High-throughput Radio profile.
Parameter Description
Name of a High-throughput Radio profile.
Usage Guidelines
Issue this command without the <profile>parameter to display the entire High-throughput Radio profile list,
including profile status and the number of references to each profile. Include a profile name to display detailed
configuration information for that profile.
The example below shows that the controller has five configured High-throughput Radio profiles. The References
column lists the number of other profiles with references to the High-throughput Radio profile, and the Profile
Status column indicates whether the profile is predefined and editable, and if that predefined profile has been
changed from its default settings. User-defined profiles will not have an entry in the Profile Status column.
(host) # show rf ht-radio-profile
High-throughput radio profile List
Name References Profile Status
---- ---------- --------------
default 0
default-a 8 Predefined (editable)
default-g 3 Predefined (changed)
legacystation 1
test 1
This example displays the configuration settings for the predefined profile default-a.
(host) #show rf ht-radio-profile default-a
High-throughput radio profile "default-a" (Predefined (editable))
Parameter Value
--------- -----
40 MHz intolerance Disabled
Honor 40 MHz intolerance Enabled
Diversity spreading workaround Disabled
CSD Override Disabled
The output of this command includes the following parameters:
Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.2 | Reference Guide show rf ht-radio-profile | 1239