Reference Guide

170 | banner motd Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.2 | Reference Guide
banner motd
banner motd <delimiter> <textString>
This command defines a text banner to be displayed at the login prompt when a user accesses the controller.
Parameter Description Range
Indicates the beginning and end of the banner text.
The text you want displayed. up to 1023 characters
Usage Guidelines
The banner you define is displayed at the login prompt to the controller. The banner is specific to the controller on
which you configure it. The WebUI displays the configured banner at its login prompt, but you cannot use the
WebUI to configure the banner.
The delimiter is a single character that indicates the beginning and the end of the text string in the banner. Select a
delimiter that is not used in the text string you define, because the controller ends the banner when it sees the
delimiter character repeated.
There are two ways of configuring the banner message:
l Enter a space between the delimiter and the beginning of the text string. The text can include any character
except a quotation mark (“). Use quotation marks to enclose your text if you are including spaces (spaces are not
recognized unless your text string is enclosed in quotation marks; without quotation marks, the text is truncated
at the first space). You can also use the delimiter character within quotation marks.
l Press the Enter key after the delimiter to be placed into a mode where you can simply enter the banner text in
lines of up to 255 characters, including spaces. Quotation marks are ignored.
The following example configures a banner by enclosing the text within quotation marks:
(host)(config) #banner motd * “Welcome to my controller. This controller is in the production
network, so please do not save configuration changes. Zach Jennings is awesome. Maintenance
will be performed at 7:30 PM, so please log off before 7:00 PM.”*
The following example configures a banner by pressing the Enter key after the delimiter:
(host)(config) #banner motd *
Enter TEXT message [maximum of 1023 characters].
Each line in the banner message should not exceed 255 characters.
End with the character '*'.
Welcome to my controller. This controller is in the production network, so please do not save
configuration changes. Zach Jennings is awesome. Maintenance will be performed at 7:30 PM, so
please log off before 7:00 PM.*
The banner display is as follows: