Reference Guide

484 | prompt DellPowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.2 | Reference Guide
prompt <prompt>
This command changes the prompt text.
Parameter Description Range Default
The prompt text displayed by the controller. 1–64 <hostname>
Usage Guidelines
You can use any alphanumeric character, punctuation, or symbol character. To use spaces, plus symbols (+),
question marks (?), or asterisks (*), enclose the text in quotes.
You cannot alter the parentheses that surround the prompt text, or the greater-than (>) or hash (#) symbols that
indicate user or enable CLI mode.
The following example changes the prompt text to “It’s a new day!”.
(host) (config) #prompt “It’s a new day!”
(It’s a new day!) (config) #
Command History
This command was introduced in ArubaOS 1.0.
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms Base operating system Config mode on master controllers