Reference Guide

Parameter Description Default
domain. An authentication request is sent to the server only if there
is an exact match between the specified domain and the <domain>
portion of the user information sent in the authentication request.
With this option, the user information must be in one of the following
position <number>
Position of the server in the server list. 1 is the top. (last)
This option causes the user information in an authentication request
to be edited before the request is sent to the server. Specifically, this
removes the <domain>\ portion for user information in the
<domain>\<user> format
removes the @<domain> portion for user information in the
<user>@<domain> format
Name of an existing server group from which parameter values are
Negates any configured parameter.
set role|vlan
Assigns the client a user role, VLAN ID or VLAN name based on
attributes returned for the client by the authentication server. Rules
are ordered: the first rule that matches the configured condition is
VLAN IDs and VLAN names cannot be listed together.
Attribute returned by the authentication server.
The rule is applied if and only if the attribute value contains the
specified string.
The rule is applied if and only if the attribute value ends with the
specified string.
The rule is applied if and only if the attribute value equals the
specified string.
The rule is applied if and only if the attribute value is not equal to the
specified string.
The rule is applied if and only if the attribute value begins with the
specified string.
User role or VLAN applied to the client when the rule is matched.
Sets the user role or VLAN to the value of the attribute returned. The
user role or VLAN ID returned as the value of the attribute must
already be configured on the controller when the rule is applied.
Usage Guidelines
You create a server group for a specific type of authentication or for accounting. The list of servers in a server group
is an ordered list, which means that the first server in the group is always used unless it is unavailable (in which case,
the next server in the list is used). You can configure servers of different types in a server group, for example, you can
Dell PowerConnect W-Series ArubaOS 6.2 | Reference Guide aaa server-group | 83