Release Notes

1033 | show ap image-preload status Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x| Reference Guide
6c:f3:7f:c3:a6:56 SecureJack 135 Preloaded 2013-11-05 15:38:50 2013-
11-05 15:39:58 0
(host) #show ap image-preload status list
AP Image Preload AP Status
AP Name AP Group AP IP AP Type Preload State Start Time End
Time Failure Count Failure Reason
------- -------- ----- ------- ------------- ---------- ------
-- ------------- --------------
6c:f3:7f:c3:a6:56 SecureJack 135 Preloaded 2013-11-05 15:38:50 2013-
11-05 15:39:58 0
(host) #show ap image-preload status summary
AP Image Preload Parameters
Item Value
---- -----
Status Active
Mode All APs
Partition 0
Build 40740
Max Simultaneous Downloads 512
Start Time 2013-11-05 15:38:50
AP Image Preload AP Status Summary
AP Image Preload State Count
---------------------- -----
Preloaded 1
The output of this command includes the following information:
Column Description
AP Image Preload Parameters
Shows if this feature has been enabled (has an active status)
or is disabled (has an inactive status).
AP Image Preload AP Status Summary
These two columns list the different possible preload states for
APs eligible to preload a new software image, and the total
number of APs in each state.
l Preloaded: Number of APs that have finished preloaded a
new software image.
l Preloading: Number of APs that are currently downloading
the new image.
l Waiting: Number of APs that are waiting to start
preloading the new image from the controller.
AP Image Preload AP Status
This section displays the following details for each preload
AP Name
Name of an AP eligible to preload a new software image.
AP Group
AP group of an AP eligible to preload a new software image.