Release Notes

show faults
show fault [history]
Display a list of faults, which are any problematic conditions of the ArubaOS software or hardware.
Parameter Description
history Include this parameter to display a history of faults cleared by the controller or the
Usage Guidelines
A controller can maintain a list of up to 100 faults. Once 100 faults have been logged, any faults arising after
that are dropped. The controller maintains a history of the last 100 faults that have cleared. Every time a new
fault clears clear, the oldest fault in the fault history is purged from the list.
This example below shows all active faults the controller, including the time the fault occurred, the fault ID
number, and a description of the problem.
(host) #show faults
Active Faults
Time Number Description
---- ------ -----------
2009-03-02 18:13:08 93 Authentication Server vortex is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 94 Authentication Server vortex is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 95 Authentication Server vortex is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 96 Authentication Server vortex is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 97 Authentication Server corp1-supersvr is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 98 All authentication servers in server group sg-auth2 are brought
back in service.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 99 Authentication Server corp1-supersvr is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 100 All authentication servers in server group sg-auth2 are brought
back in service.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 101 Authentication Server corp1-supersvr is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 102 All authentication servers in server group sg-auth2 are brought
back in service.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 103 Authentication Server corp1-supersvr is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 104 All authentication servers in server group sg-auth2 are brought
back in service.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 105 Authentication Server corp1-supersvr is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:08 106 All authentication servers in server group sg-auth2 are brought
back in service.
2009-03-02 18:13:09 107 Authentication Server corp1-supersvr is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:09 108 All authentication servers in server group sg-auth2 are brought
back in service.
2009-03-02 18:13:09 109 Authentication Server corp1-supersvr is down.
2009-03-02 18:13:09 110 All authentication servers in server group sg-auth2 are brought
back in service.
2009-03-02 18:13:09 111 Authentication Server corp1-supersvr is down.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | Reference Guide show faults | 1296