Release Notes

IPv4 Address Availability Type public
IPv6 Address Availability Type not-available
The output of this command includes the following parameters:
Parameter Description
IPv4 Address
Availability Type
Indicates the availability of an IPv4 network. This parameter can display any of the
following values:
l availability-unknown: Network availability cannot be determined.
l not-available : Network is not available.
l port-restricted : Network has some ports restricted ( for example, the network
blocks port 110 to retrict POP mail).
l port-restricted-double-nated : Network has some ports restricted and multiple
routers performing network address translation.
l port-restricted-single-nated : Network has some ports restricted and a single
router performing network address translation.
l private-double-nated : Network is a private network with multiple routers doing
network address translation.
l private-single-nated : Network is a private network a single router doing network
address translation.
l public : Network is a public network
IPv6 Address
Availability Type
Indicates the availability of an IPv6 network. This parameter can display any of the
following values:
l available : An IPv6 network is available.
l availability-unknown: Network availability cannot be determined.
l not-available : Network is not available.
Related Commands
wlan hotspot anqp-ip-addr-avail-profile
.Command History
The command was introduced in ArubaOS 6.4
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms Base operating system Enable and Config mode on master or
local controllers
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | Reference Guide show wlan hotspot anqp-ip-addr-avail-profile | 1840