Service Manual

28 | MIB Modules and Traps Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.x MIB | Reference Guide
Controller Transport Service
This module provides information about the Controller Transport Service. The Controller Transport Service
(CTS) is used with the Mobility Manager for synchronizing configuration, database, and data sections. The
CTS MIBs are used for triggering the data synchronization event with the MMS, such as config update.
CTS is not intended to be used with other applications.
The CTS MIBs are listed in the file
External Services Interface (ESI) Module
The External Services Interface (ESI) module provides information about the Wireless Management System
(WMS) in the Dell controller. ESI is used for redirecting traffic to a virus scanner, context filter, or other
third party network appliances.
The ESI MIBs are listed in the file
IF External (IF EXT)
IF External (IF EXT) MIB objects provide system-level information about the Dell controller—physical
ports, configured VLANs, the port memberships, and the interfaces that define the VLANs.
The IF External MIBs are listed in the file
Mesh Module
The Mesh module provides information about Mesh portal and topology in the Dell controller.
The Mesh MIBs are listed in the file
Mobility Module
The Mobility module provides information about the subsystem in the Dell controller, such as the home
agent (HA) or foreign agent (FA) of a roaming agent.
The Mobility MIBs are listed in the file
Monitor Module
The Monitor module provides information about network traffic. Monitoring access points can be used to
observe network traffic, such as the number of packets transferred at a specific rate, the number of errors
per access point, and so on.
The Monitor MIBs are listed in the file
Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) Module
The Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) module provides information about signal quality and packets. One value of
SNR is the signal quality during a sample period. The signal quality affects the quality of the transmitted
All MIB tables and MIB OIDs in the Controller Transport Service were deprecated in ArubaOS 5.0 and are no longer