Users Guide

Table Of Contents
ESI Syslog Parser Domains and Rules
To configure the ESI syslog parser, navigate to the Configuration > Advanced Services > External Services
view on the WebUI.The following sections describe how to manage syslog parser domains using the WebUI and
In the WebUI
Click on the SyslogParserDomains tab to display the SyslogParser Domains view.
This view lists all the domains by domain name and server IP address, and includes a list of peer controllers
(when peer controllers have been configured—as described in Understanding the ESI Syslog Parser on page
Adding a new syslog parser domain
1. Click Add in the SyslogParser Domains section. The system displays the add domain view.
2. In the Domain Name text box, type the name of the domain to be added.
3. In the Server IP Address text box, type a valid IP address.
You must ensure that you type a valid IP address, because the IP address you type is not automatically validated
against the list of external servers that has been configured.
4. Click Add.
5. Click Apply.
Deleting an existing syslog parser domain
1. Identify the target parser domain in the list shown in the Domain section of the SyslogParser Domains
2. Click Delete on the same row in the Actions column.
Editing an existing syslog parser domain
1. Identify the target parser domain in the list shown in the SyslogParser Domains view .(see In the WebUI
on page 1094)
2. Click Edit on the same row in the Actions column.The system displays the edit domain view.
You cannot modify the domain name when editing a parser domain.
3. To delete a server from the selected domain, highlight the server IP address and click Delete, then click
Apply to commit the change.
4. To add a server or a peer controller to the selected domain, type the server IP address into the text box next
to the Add button, click Add, then click Apply to commit the change, or click Cancel to discard the changes
you made and exit the parser domain editing process.
When you make a change in the domain, you can click the View Commands link in the lower right corner of
the window to see the CLI command that corresponds to the edit action you performed.
In the CLI
Use these CLI commands to manage syslog parser domains.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | User Guide External Services Interface | 1094