Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Status Entry Description
NOTE: If an AP is in the hold state because of connectivity problems, then
the AP recovers and moves out of the hold state when connectivity is
Revoked entries Number of entries in the campus AP whitelist that has been manually
Marked for deletion entries Number of entries in the campus AP whitelist that has been marked for
deletion, but not removed from the Remote APwhitelist.
Remote AP whitelist configuration parameters
Total entries Number of entries in the Remote APwhitelist.
Revoked entries Number of entries in the Remote AP whitelist that has been manually
Marked for deletion entries Number of entries in the Remote AP whitelist that has been marked for
deletion, but not removed from the Remote APwhitelist.
Table 21: Whitelist status information
The Remote AP whitelist entries page displays only the information you manually configure. The campus AP
whitelist entries page displays both user-defined settings and additional information that is updated when the
status of a campus AP changes.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | User Guide Control Plane Security | 126