Users Guide

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155 | Software Licenses Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x| User Guide
3. (Optional) If your primary licensing server does not yet have a dedicated, redundant backup controller and
you want to use a backup server with the centralized licensing feature, you must identify a second controller
to use as the backup licensing server, and create a virtual router on the primary licensing server.
4. (Optional) Establish secure IPsec tunnels between the primary licensing server controller and the licensing
client controllers by enabling control plane security on that cluster of master controllers or by creating site-
to-site VPN tunnels between the licensing server and client controllers. This step is not required, but if you
do not create secure tunnels between the controllers, the controllers will exchange clear, unencrypted
licensing information. This step is not required for a master-local topology.
Preconfiguration Setup in a Master/Local Topology
The master controller in a master-local topology is the primary licensing server by default. If this master
controller already has a redundant standby master, that redundant master will automatically act as the backup
licensing server with no additional configuration. If your primary licensing server does not yet have a
redundant standby controller and you want to use a backup server with the centralized licensing feature, you
must identify a second controller to designate as the backup licensing server and define a virtual router on the
primary licensing server.
Enabling Centralized Licensing
The following steps describe the procedure to enable centralized licensing on both the licensing master and the
licensing clients.
Using the WebUI
1. Access the WebUI of the primary licensing master controller, navigate to Configuration > Controller and
select the Centralized Licenses tab.
2. Select Enable Centralized Licensing.
3. (Optional) If the licensing server already has a dedicated redundant standby controller, that standby
controller will automatically become the backup license server. If the primary licensing server in your
deployment does not have a dedicated, redundant master controller, but you want to define a backup
server for the licensing feature, follow steps a-c below:
a. In the VRRP ID field, enter the Virtual Router ID for the Virtual Router you configured in the
Preconfiguration Setup task in the section above.
b. In the Peer’s IP address field, enter the IP address of the backup licensing server.
c. In the License Server IP field, enter the virtual IP address for the Virtual Router used for license server
4. Click Apply.
If you are deploying centralized licensing on a cluster of master controllers, you must define the IP address that
the licensing clients in the cluster use to access the licensing server.
5. Access the WebUI of a licensing client, navigate to Configuration > Controller and select the Centralized
Licenses tab.
6. Select Enable Centralized Licensing.
7. In the License Server IP field, enter the IP address the client will use to connect to the licensing server. If you
have defined a backup licensing server using a virtual router ID, enter the IP address of that virtual router.
8. Click Apply.
9. Repeat steps 5-8 on each licensing client in the cluster.
Using the CLI
Access the command-line interface of the licensing server, and issue the following commands in config mode:
(host)(config) #license profile