Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Understanding License Interaction
Some licenses interact with each other and may require some equality.
l AP/PEFNG and RFProtect must be equal.
n All active APs run AP/PEFNG and RFProtect services (if enabled). If they are not equal, the number of
active APs are restricted to the minimum AP/PEFNG and RFProtect license count.
It is not possible to designate specific APs for RFProtect/non-RFProtect operations.
n Mesh portals/Mesh points with no virtual APs, do not consume an RFProtect license
l If a Mesh node is also configured for client service (for example, it advertises a BSSID ), it consumes one AP
l Remote APs consume the same licenses as campus APs.
l ACR Interaction
n On a platform that supports 2048 IPsec tunnels, the maximum number of Suite B IPsec tunnels
supported is 2048, even if a larger capacity license is installed.
n The ACR license is cumulative. If you want to support 2048 Suite B connections, install two ACR licenses
n An evaluation ACR license is available (EVL-ACR-1024). You can install the ACR evaluation license with a
higher capacity than the platform maximum.
n On a platform that supports 2048 IPsec tunnels, with a LIC-ACR-512 installed, only 512 IPsec tunnels can
be terminated using Suite B encryption. An additional 1536 IPsec tunnels, using non-Suite B modes (for
example, AES-CBC), can still be supported.
n On a platform with LIC-ACR-512 installed, a mixture of IPsec and 802.11i Suite B connections can be
supported. The combined number of these sessions may not exceed 512.
n A single client using both 802.11i Suite B and IPsec Suite B will simultaneously consume two ACR
License Installation Best Practices and Exceptions
l Back up the controller’s configuration (backup flash command) and back up the License database (license
export filename) before making any changes.
(host) #backup flash
Please wait while we tar relevant files from flash...
Please wait while we compress the tar file...
Checking for free space on flash...
Copying file to flash...
File flashbackup.tar.gz created successfully on flash.
Please copy it out of the switch and delete it when done.
(host) #license export licensebackup.db
Successfully exported 1 licenses from the License Database to licensebackup.db
l Allow for the maximum quantity required at any given time.
l When calculating AP licenses, determine the normal AP load of your controller and add a backup load in case
of failure.
l A reasonable estimate when calculating user licenses is 20 users per AP. Do not forget to consider
occasional large assemblies or gatherings.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | User Guide Software Licenses |