Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
1107 | External Services Interface Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x| User Guide
Configuring an ESI Group, Add the Health-Check Ping and ESI Servers
Use these CLI commands to configure an ESI server group, identify its associated ping health-check method,
and associate a server with this group:
Using the ESI Group in a Session Access Control List
Use these CLI commands to define the redirection filter for sending traffic to the ESI server.
ip access-listsessionpolicy
Understanding Basic Regular Expression (BRE) Syntax
The ESI syslog parser supports regular expressions created using the Basic Regular Expression (BRE) syntax
described in this section. BRE syntax consists of instructions—character-matching operators (described in
Table 242), repetition operators (described in Table 243), or expression anchors (described in Table 244)—used
to defined the search or match target.
This section contains the following topics:
l “Character-Matching Operators” on page512
l “Regular Expression Repetition Operators on page513
l “Regular Expression Anchors on page513
l “References on page514
Character-Matching Operators
Character-matching operators define what the search will match.
Operator Description Sample Result
. Match any one character. grep.ord sample.txt Matches ford, lord, 2ord, etc.
in the file sample.txt.
[] Match any one character
listed between the brackets
grep [cng]ord sample.txt Matches only cord, nord, and
[^] Match any one character not
listed between the brackets
grep [^cn]ord sample.txt Matches lord, 2ord, etc., but
not cord or nord
grep [a-zA-Z]ord
Matches aord, bord, Aord,
Bord, etc.
grep [^0-9]ord
Matches Aord, aord, etc., but
not 2ord, etc.
Table 242: Character-matching operators in regular expressions