Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Change the VRRP Priorities for a Redundant Master Pair
If your deployment uses VRRP to define the primary master in a pair of redundant master controllers, and you
are replacing only the primary master controller, and you must change the VRRP priority levels of the
controllers so the primary master controller has a lower priority than the backup master controller. This will
allow the configuration from the backup master to be copied to the new master controller, and prevent an old
or inaccurate configuration from being pushed to the local controllers.
For details on changing VRRP priorities, see Configuring VRRP Redundancy on page 670.
Back Up the Flash File System
To start the migration process, access the backup or master controller being replaced and create a backup of
the flash file system. You can create a backup file using the WebUI or command-line interfaces.
In the WebUI
To back up the flash from the WebUI, log in to the current backup or master controller and create a flash
backup using the procedure below.
1. Navigate to Maintenance > File >Backup Flash.
2. Select Create Backup.
3. Select Copy Backup to create a copy of the backup file. By default, the flash backup file is named
4. Next, move the backup the flash file system to an external server. Navigate to Maintenance>Copy Files.
5. In the Source Selection section, select Flash File System.
6. In the Destination Selection section, select one of the server options to move the flash backup off the
controller, and enter the name of the flash backup file to be exported.
In the CLI
To create a flash backup from the command-line interface, access the active master controller and issue the
backup flash command, as shown in the example below.
(host) #backup flash
Please wait while we tar relevant files from flash...
Please wait while we compress the tar file...
File flashbackup.tar.gz created successfully on flash.
Please copy it out of the switch and delete it when done.
(active_host) #dir
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17338 Dec 6 08:34 default.cfg
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 1024 Dec 6 08:34 fieldCerts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21760 Dec 6 09:29 flashbackup.tar.gz
drwx------ 2 root root 1024 Dec 5 08:20 tpm
(host) #copy flash: flashbackup.tar.gz tftp: <your TFTP server IP> flashbackup.tar.gz
Stage the New Controller
The next step in the procedure is to stage the new backup master or active master controller with basic IP
connectivity. Power up the new controller, connect a laptop computer to the controller's serial port, and follow
the prompts to configure basic settings, as shown below:
Auto-provisioning is in progress. Choose one of the following options to override or debug...
'enable-debug' : Enable auto-provisioning debug logs
'disable-debug' : Disable auto-provisioning debug logs
'mini-setup' : Stop auto-provisioning and start mini setup dialog for branch role
'full-setup' : Stop auto-provisioning and start full setup dialog for any role
Enter Option (partial string is acceptable): full-setup
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