Administrator Guide

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617 | Access Points Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x| User Guide
The example below configures an AP location and domain name using an AP console connection:
Hit <Enter> to stop autoboot: 0
apboot> <INTERRUPT>
apboot> setenv group corporate 2
apboot> setenv domainname
apboot> save
To view current AP settings using the AP console, issue the command printenv <name> where <name> is
one of the variable names listed in Table 124, such as ipaddr, dnsip or gatewayip.
apboot> printenv domainname
Username and Password Protection
The ArubaOS AP console username and password feature helps protect systems that manage highly sensitive
information, like financial and banking institutions, by requiring users to log in to the AP network with a
username and password.
Setting a Console/Telnet Username and Password
Under the default configuration, consoles do not have passwords. To protect your network, set a username
and password while the AP is in enabled mode. The timeout feature is also supported as an added level of
security. If there is no user input or activity during one timeout interval (default of 30 minutes), the user is
logged out of the system. The timeout interval cannot be modified.
Passwords must be 6 to 32 characters in length, and can include alphanumeric and special characters.
In the WebUI
To set a username/password in the WebUI:
1. Navigate to Configuration > Advanced Services > All Profiles.
2. Expand the AP tab, then click on AP System.
3. Under the AP System list, select the AP system you want to modify.
4. Click on the Advanced tab, then scroll down to Shell Password.
5. Enter the desired password into the password field. Retype the password to confirm.
6. Before saving your changes, make sure the Console Enable checkbox is marked.
Once the console is enabled, you do not need to enable it again. The console is disabled under default configuration.
7. Click Apply to save your new password.
8. Click Save Configuration at the top of the page to save your changes.
In the CLI
To set a username/password in the CLI:
(host) (config) #ap system-profile <profile>
(host) (AP system profile <profile>") #console-enable
(host) (AP system profile <profile>”) #shell-passwd <password>
If the password is lost, and the AP is not connected to a controller, the console can be reset using the reset
button or APboot command (factory_reset). If it has already connected to a controller, the AP password can
be changed under the Shell Password field of the AP System profile in the WebUI, or using the shell-passwd
command in the CLI.