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809 | Spectrum Analysis Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x| User Guide
Parameter Description
Show By default, this chart displays data for the current noise floor, adjacent channel
interference (ACI), and the maximum AP power level for each channel. To display
interference power levels form other devices, click the show checkbox then click the
show drop-down list and select one of the following device types.
l Microwave (This option is only available for 2.4 GHz radios)
l Bluetooth (This option is only available for 2.4 GHz radios)
l Fixed Freq (Others)
l Fixed Freq (Cordless Phones)
l Fixed Freq (Video)
l Fixed Freq (Audio)
l Freq Hopper (Others)
l Freq Hopper (Cordless Network)
l Freq Hopper (Cordless Base)
l Freq Hopper Xbox (This option is only available for 2.4 GHz radios)
l Microwave (Inverter) (This option is only available for 2.4 GHz radios)
l Generic Interferer
For more information on non-Wi-Fi device types detected by a spectrum monitor, see
Working with Non-Wi-Fi Interferers on page 816.
Channel Range For graphs created by spectrum monitors, specify a channel range to determine which
channels appear in this graph. Click the first drop-down list to select the lowest
channel in the range, then click the second drop-down list to select the highest channel
to appear in the graph.
This graph displays all channels within the spectrum monitor’s radio band by default.
NOTE: This parameter is not configurable for graphs created by hybrid APs.
Quality Spectrogram
This plot shows the channel quality statistics for selected range of channels or frequencies. This chart can also
be configured to show channel availability, the percentage of each channel that is unused and available for
additional traffic.
Channel Quality is a weighted metric derived from key parameters which include noise, non-Wi-Fi (interferer)
utilization and duty-cycles and certain types of retries. Quality levels are indicated by a range of colors between
dark blue, which represents a higher channel quality, and red, which represents a lower channel quality.
Channel availability is indicated by a range of colors between dark blue, which represents 100% channel
availability, and red, which represents 0% availability.
For additional information on interpreting a Dell Spectrogram plot, see Swept Spectrogram on page 812.
The Spectrum Analysis Quality Spectrogram chart measures channel data each second, so after every 5-second
sweep, the newest data appears as a thin colored line on the bottom of the chart. Older data is pushed up
higher on the chart until it reaches the top of the spectrogram and ages out. The example below shows the Dell
Quality Spectrogram chart after it has recorded over 1,500 seconds of FFT data.