Users Guide

182 | Performing Daily Administration in AirWave Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave |Version 7.3
Syslog messages also appear in the APs/Devices > Monitor page for controllers and in Users > User Detail pages
under the Association History section.
Using the System > Event Log Page
The System > Event Log page is a very useful debugging tool containing a list of recent AMP events including
APs coming up and down, services restarting, and most AMP-related errors as well as the user that initiated the
action. Figure 128 illustrates this page, and Table 104 describes the page components.
Figure 128 System > Event Log Page Illustration
Source Device The name of the device that sent the message. Will be a link if you have visibility to the device. Can be
empty if AMP could not correlate the source IP.
AP Contains a link to the APs/Devices > Monitor page for a device other than the source device that was
correlated from some data contained in the message (by LAN MAC, BSSID, or IP Address). Can be blank,
and will only be a link if you have visibility to the device.
User Displays a user's MAC address if one was found in the message. Can be blank, and will be a link if you
have visibility to the user's AP.
Severity The severity level of the event: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Bug, Error, Warning, Notice, or Info
Facility Part of the syslog spec - sort of the logical source of the message. From controllers, will always be one of
local0-local7 (you can configure on the controller when sending syslog messages to a particular receiver
which facility you want to use in the messages).
Category If SNMP Trap: Hardware, IDS, Client Security, AP Security, AP Status, Software, or Rogue Detection. For
Syslog messagesa category is based on the process name on the controller that sent the syslog
message. The categorization for traps and syslog messages only works for events from a Dell
PowerConnect W-Series controller.
Message The raw trap message including the AP MAC Address, time sent, and other information. For syslogs, AMP
does not display the numbers at the beginning of the message that indicate the severity and facility. For
traps, AMP will attempt to translate them to human-readable format when possible. AMP will not receive
processed SNMP traps into the Device Event framework if the AMP doesn't have MIB file to translate the
Use the Search field at the top of the column to filter the messages by a substring.
Table 104 Event Log Fields
Column Description
Time Date and time of the event.
User The AirWave user that triggered the event. When AirWave itself is responsible, System is displayed.
Type Displays the Type of event recorded, which is one of four types, as follows:
Device—An event localized to one specific device.
Group—A group-wide event.
System—A system-wide event.
Alert—If a trigger is configured to report to the log, an Alert type event will be logged here.
Event The event AirWave observed; useful for debugging, user tracking, and change tracking.
Table 103 System > Syslog & Traps Columns and Descriptions (Continued)
Column Description