Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave |User Guide Using VisualRF | 279
This view is focused on enabling quick resolution of AP issues and therefore disables many RF objects by
default as follows:
Users - only users associated with radios within access point of focus are displayed
APs - only the access point in focus is displayed
Radios - the heatmap represents all radios within the access point of focus
Rogues - all rogues are off
Client/Rogue Surveys - all surveys are off
Walls - all walls on displayed
Lines - client to AP of association are displayed
Labels - all labels are disabled
Viewing a Floor Plan’s RF Environment
View a floor plan's RF environment from VisualRF > Floor Plans page. This page has a fixed sorting filter of
Campus > Building > Floor number.
Figure 224 Floor Plans List View
This page provides a snapshot of how VisualRF is performing, as described in Table 151:
Table 151 Floor Plans list columns
Field Description
Campus Campus associated to the floor.
Building Building associated to the floor.
Floor Floor number. The decimal place can be used for mezzanine levels.
Name Optional name of a floor. (If the name is not changed, it displays the name as Floor [Number] by default.)
Size The height and width in feet of the floor plan, including white space.
Grid Cell Size The size of the grid cells, in feet.
# of APs The number of access points on the floor.
# of Radios The number of radios associated with access points on the floor
# of Users The number of wireless users associated with access points on the floor.
NOTE: Locating users consumes significant VisualRF resources. A floor with hundreds or thousands of
clients can take a long time to process.
# of Rogues The number of rogue devices heard by access points on the floor. This number reflects the filters
configured on the VisualRF > Setup. This means that while APs on the floor might hear more rogue devices,
they are being filtered because of weak signal, they haven't been heard recently, or they are ad-hoc.
File Size The floor plan background or image reported, in kilobytes. The larger the file, the longer it will take to
render in the canvas.
Original Floor Plan A link to download the original image background file.