Users Guide

34 | Configuring AWMS Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.2 | User Guide
Figure 13 Home > User Info Customized Search Preferences
Setting Severe Alert Warning Behavior
You can control the alert levels users can see on the Alerts statistics hyperlink from the Home > User Info page.
These settings will apply unless and until other users change settings for themselves. When a trigger is assigned a
severity of Critical, it generates a severe alert. When a severe alert exists, a new component appears at the right of
the Status field in bold red font.
Only users who are enabled for viewing critical alerts on the Home > User Info page can see severe alerts. The
Severe Alert Threshold dropdown menu, located in the Top Header Stats section of the Home > User Info page
is shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14 Home > User Info > Severe Alert Threshold Dropdown Menu
Defining General AWMS Server Settings
This section describes all pages accessed from the AMP Setup tab and describes two pages in the Device Setup
tab—the Communication and Upload Files pages. Once required and optional configurations in this chapter are
complete, continue to later chapters in this document to create and deploy device groups and device
configuration and discovery on the network.
The first step in configuring AWMS is to specify the general settings for the AWMS server. Figure 15 illustrates
the AMP Setup > General page: