Users Guide

120 | Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.6 | User Guide
Field Description
Displays the encryption or decryption cipher supporting the user, when this information is available. The
client devices may all be similar, but if the APs to which they are associated are of different models, or if
security is set up differently between them, then different Auth Type or Cipher values may be reported to
Auth Time
Shows how long the user has been authenticated, in minutes. A negative number (such as -17 min)
indicates that the user has not authenticated for the duration displayed.
Signal Quality
Displays the average signal quality the user experienced.
Displays the average bandwidth consumed by the MAC address.
The ratio of the total bytes transmitted or received in the network to the total air time required for
transmitting or receiving the bytes.
Displays the QuickView box allows users to view features including heatmap for a device and location
history for a user.
Displays the IP assigned to the user MAC. This information is not always available. AirWave can gather
it from the ARP cache of switches discovered by AirWave. This column can accommodate multiple IP
addresses for a client if it has both IPv4 and IPv6.
LAN Hostnames
The DNS hostname(s) broadcast by the client. This column can accommodate multiple hostnames for a
client if it has both IPv4 and IPv6.
The Recent Events area lists the most recent events specific to the device. This information also appears on the
System > Events Log page (refer to "Using the System > Event Log Page" on page 190). Table 76 describes the
fields in this page that display in the Recent Events table.
Field Description
Time Displays the day and time the event was recorded.
Displays the user that triggered the event. Configuration changes are logged as the AirWave user that
submitted them. Automated AirWave events are logged as the System user.
Event Displays a short text description of the event.
Table 76:
APs/Devices > Monitor > Recent Events Fields and Default Values
Evaluating Radio Statistics for an AP
The APs/Devices > Monitor > Radio Statistics page contains useful data for pinpointing network issues at the AP
radio level for Dell APs and Cisco WLC thin APs (firmware 4.2 or greater).
To see radio statistics details, navigate to the APs/Devices > Monitoring page for a supported AP and select the
linked radio under the Name column in the Radios list table, as illustrated in Figure 81.
Figure 81: Links to the Radio Statistics page on APs/Devices > Monitoring for an AP