Users Guide

124 | Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.6 | User Guide
modified values; these values can be selected for filtering the results. You can export the table in CSV format. The
columns and values are illustrated in Figure 86.
Figure 86: ARM Events Table Illustration
The columns and values are described in Table 79.
Column Description
Time The time of the ARM event.
Trap Type
The type of trap that delivered the change information. Current ARM trap types that display in
AirWave are:
l Power Change
l Mode Change
l Channel Change
Values that display in the following columns depend on the Trap Type.
Previous Tx Power Old value for transmit power before the Power Change event took place.
Current Tx Power New transmit power value after the change.
Previous Radio Mode Old value for radio mode before the Mode Change event took place.
Current Radio Mode New radio mode value after the change.
Previous Channel Old primary channel value before the Channel Change event took place.
Current Channel New primary channel value after the change.
Previous Secondary
Old secondary channel value (for 40Mhz channels on 802.11n devices) before the Channel Change
event took place.
Current Secondary
New secondary channel value after the change.
Change Reason
If the noise and interference cause for the change can be determined, they will be displayed here.
Mode change reasons are not yet tracked.
Table 79:
ARM Events table Columns and Values
Detected Interfering Devices Table
For Dell PowerConnect W-Series APs running in Spectrum mode, the same non-802.11 interfering devices identified
in the Issues Summary section are classified in the Detected Interfering Devices table along with the timestamp of
its last detection, the start and end channels of the interference, the signal to noise ratio, and the percentage of time
the interference takes place (duty cycle), as illustrated in Figure 87. This table can be exported to CSV format, and
the displayed columns can be moved or hidden as needed.